Wednesday, November 2, 2016

2016 Programs--Precursors to Upcoming Bicentenaries

Reports are coming in from various people who sponsored commemorations of the Twin Holy Birthdays this year.  For example, Marlene Macke writes:
"Yesterday we had one of the best Holy Day commemorations in St. Marys [Ontario, Canada] in a long time. The Dramatic Reading [see earlier blog post with Marlene's script] was a huge hit. It left several of us in tears. Everybody was moved by it, seeing both the early life of the Bab through the eyes of those who knew and loved him best as a child and young man, and learning a lot about those people, especially his mother and wife. Those were my two goals, and it is so satisfying they were sensed so convincingly by both the Baha'is and others in the gathering. We had a lengthy discussion about the events afterwards, and then it morphed into even more stories about the Bab and His mission." 

For our part, we did an ambitious program at the International Museum of Cultures in Duncanville--an area not known for staging elaborate programs (we usually do these in larger communities, where we can do rehearsals beforehand). Nonetheless, it worked out well--we combined both programs into one and gave marked scripts to various individuals who participated as readers. We also used video and music and slide visuals.

our simple staging, not simple to set up

One highlight for me was playing the video of "O Baha'u'llah" from the World Congress. It was nostalgic for those who had experienced that in 1992 and impressive for those coming to a Baha'i event for the first time, with Susan Engle as soloist and a great choir and orchestra. 

Also, we used the song "This Newborn Child," by Ramine Yazari, which has excerpts from one of the new Tablets revealed for the Birth of Baha'u'llah in the lyrics and also an instrumental version. So, I had Tim edit the music so that I could read the Tablet and the excerpts would come up at the right place. Nice! We also used Elika Mahony's "Arise" just at after reading the verse from another Tablet that she sings. IN OTHER WORDS, the ARTS contributed much to the program! 

------------------------  The next night, I attended a program in Richardson, TX, which was very well planned and included a barbershop quartet, prayers read in various languages, drumming, folk dancing, and presentations about the Bab and Baha'u'llah. It was inspiring--yet I felt it could have included more visual elements and music.  We provided the folk dance--and four of my dance friends came, including Clarence, our Chinese leader!  It provided a lively, fun, and meaningful activity. One rhythmic dance involved everyone sitting and doing arm gestures.  Communities are trying out various ways to celebrate!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sample Program for Birth of Bahá'u'lláh

In Celebration of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh 
Script by Anne Perry with sections by David Hoffman; can be adapted /shortened. 
Slide show with titles of Bahá’u’lláh by Anne Perry, with music by Margie DeRosso   
CD music suggested, but live music would be better. 
For 5 readers plus MC and technical assistants 
Reader 2 reads character part, Faris Effendi
Reader 1 reads words of EG Browne
Optional: procession of participants
(Program below photos) 



MC:  Good evening.  We greet you with joy and gratitude in our hearts on this special occasion of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh. Because of the special and reverent nature of tonight’s program, we ask that you turn off your cell phones and do not applaud any of the aspects of the program until the very end.


And now join us in commemorating the anniversary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Music or Persian Chant OR Procession of Participants (ethnic costumes)
        Procession Music: "See the Light of His Glory" from World Congress (or other) 

Birth of the Báb: Character Parts

Marlene Macke has put together a wonderful program as follows (see references at the end):
I Knew the Báb
His Early Life through Remembrances of Those Who Knew Him
A Dramatic Reading in Commemoration of His Birthday

Compiled by Marlene Macke
St. Marys, Ontario, Canada
1 November 2016


Fátimih Bagum, The mother of the Báb

Jináb-i Hájí Mírzá Siyyid ‘Alí, known as Khál-i-A‘zam, The uncle of the Báb 

Shaykh ‘Abid, The teacher of the Báb

Khadíjih Bagum, The wife of the Báb    


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sample Program for the Birth of the Báb

Celebration of the Birth of The Báb     

A program originally created by Anne Perry for the Dallas Bahá’í Community, which can be modified to fit other localities.  Rehearsal and advance preparation recommended. In a small community, this could be done as a spontaneous reading, if scripts are made for everyone.

Staging: Two mics placed on either side of the stage, with beautiful drapes on podium, column, or table (green, gold. . . ) and red roses.  Visual slides can enhance the program, if desired (request slide show).  Dress: can be elegant, historic, or multi-cultural, but shouldn’t be pedestrian. Lighting can be dramatic, warm.  Readers can be seated and go up to the mic on either side in advance of the reading; sometimes there is a back and forth, so it should be rehearsed and noted where a reader should stay standing and step aside, and which mic he/she should go to. Ideally, the program should flow as one element, without applause. Technical assistance is important.  

Participants:    (9–12 readers/musicians/singers and 1-2 technical assistants)
MC can be the same person as one of the readers, or not. 
Persian reader/chanter and Arabic reader/chanter could also be one of the readers, below.
Reader 1:  male or female
Reader 2:  Reader of the Báb’s account, male, strong reader, perhaps in 20s
Reader 3:  male or female
Reader 4:  male or female
Reader 5:  male or female
Reader 6:  male or female
Reader 7: Reader, account of the Mother of the Báb, female
Reader 8: Reader, account of the Wife of the Báb, female
Reader 9:  Strong and poetic reader, female preferred

MUSIC:  (live music may be substituted for CD music)
CD  Smith & Dragoman, Open the Gates
CD Vahid Ndobe, album  “Primal Point”
CD Susan Engle & Jean White Marks, Special Times  “Who Is the Child?” can also use “Song for the Báb
CD Eric Harper, Eric Harper  “Say”
CD  Remover of Difficulties  (Special Times or another)
Live Persian prayer or poem, chanted (could also have drum or flute); Arabic chant