Monday, March 13, 2017

Dramatic Reading for Birth of Baha'u'llah

A Bahá'í friend in Irving, Texas sent this idea: to use the text from the Phillip Hinton reading from the 1992 World Congress (available on CD, with the music as his beautiful voice) as a LIVE dramatic reading, with various parts. So, I offer the keyboarded version, below. You can copy and paste it into a document to use it. (I am not sure if any permissions might be needed.)

O Bahá’u’lláh
Dramatic reading from the 2nd Bahá’i World Congress

O Bahá’u’lláh, what hast Thou done?

New Resource Website

I am very excited that this blog is listed as a resource on the new website from the Baha'i National Center!  Conversely, I am pleased to offer that site as an over-arching resource re. the Twin Holy Days: