Only six months before the staggeringly significant event--the Bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá'u'lláh! As we grapple with what our communities might with to plan and do, it's wise to set some personal goals related to the commemoration.
My friend Bret Breneman writes this: "Next October, Baha'is and friends around the world--in cities and
villages, jungles and deserts, mountains and islands--will observe with
exultant dignity the Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah. He will be
honored for what He endured and achieved, for His edifying and
inspiring vision, for His utterly incomparable Writings, and for His
transformative influence evident already in the world. I--this
insignificant little devotee--have set myself the goal of engaging in
500 conversations about the Bicentenary between February and late
October. I'm glad to report I've done 90 now, am closing in on the first
one hundred!"
Isn't this a marvelous personal goal? Hope you are inspired by this example!