Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Art work, designs for programs, ads . . .

So many new resources are emerging! There's a Facebook page one has to join (but that is easy). If you skim down all of the messages on discussion, you'll find MANY things being offered re. design, embellishment, music, posters/ads. . . . Artists are coming to the forefront with offerings to the Blessed Beauty!

Facebook page: Preparing for the Bicentenaries Of the Twin Birthdays


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Stories about Baha'u'llah

Lots of people are compiling various things in preparation for the Bicentennial! Here's one great source for stories:

And here's an idea for a program--probably a more "caaual" program than a larger one. Choose and print out some stories. Have them on individual pieces of paper. Let guests select one randomly or consciously and read/listen to the stories, in a circle.

Even at Feasts as we prepare for the Oct. weekend, this might be effective. Children or youth could also prepare the stories to present. . . .