A program originally created by Anne Perry for the Dallas Bahá’í Community, which can be modified to fit other localities. Rehearsal and advance preparation recommended. In a small community, this could be done as a spontaneous reading, if scripts are made for everyone.
Staging:Two mics placed on either side of the stage, with beautiful drapes on podium, column, or table (green, gold. . . ) and red roses. Visual slides can enhance the program, if desired (request slide show). Dress: can be elegant, historic, or multi-cultural, but shouldn’t be pedestrian. Lighting can be dramatic, warm. Readers can be seated and go up to the mic on either side in advance of the reading; sometimes there is a back and forth, so it should be rehearsed and noted where a reader should stay standing and step aside, and which mic he/she should go to. Ideally, the program should flow as one element, without applause. Technical assistance is important.
Participants: (9–12 readers/musicians/singers and 1-2 technical assistants)
MCcan be the same person as one of the readers, or not.
Persian or Arabic reader/chanter could also be one of the readers, below.
Reader 1: male or female
Reader 2: Reader of the Báb’s account, male, strong reader, perhaps in 20s
Reader 3: male or female
Reader 4: male or female
Reader 5: male or female
Reader 6: male or female
Reader 7: Reader, account of the Mother of the Báb, female
Reader 8: Reader, account of the Wife of the Báb, female
Reader 9: Strong and poetic reader, female preferred